Expense Sheet Detail Fields and Buttons

You use the fields and buttons on the Expense Sheet Detail page to add expense line items to an expense sheet

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When you click Add Expense Line on the expense sheet detail page and then import draft expense lines, the expense sheet detail page provides the following fields and buttons.

Field Description
Click to return to the expense sheets grid on the Expenses (Expense Sheet) page to view the expense sheet that you created.
[Expense Sheet Name Title] After you create and save an expense sheet, its name appears in the title bar of the add expense line page.

Search Filter Fields

Field Description
Expense Sheet # This column displays the expense sheet number that TrafficLIVE generates after you create an expense sheet.
Name This field displays the expense sheet name.
Description This field displays a description of the expense sheet.
Submitted on For submitted expense sheets, this field displays the date when it was submitted.
Approved on For approved expense sheets, this field displays the date when it was approved.
Denied on For denied expense sheets, this field displays the date when it was denied.
Paid on For paid expense sheets, this field displays the date when it was paid.
Approved by For approved expense sheets, this field displays who approved it.
Submitted by For submitted expense sheets, this field displays the name of the person who submitted the expense sheet.
Approver For approved expense sheets, this field displays the name of the person who approved the expense sheet.
System Status Choose the system status that you want to assign to the expense sheet. This is the status of the entire expense sheet, not the status of any of the expense line items that are related to the expense sheet.
User Status Choose the user-defined status that you want to assign to the expense sheet. This is the status of the entire expense sheet, not the status of any of the expense line items that are related to the expense sheet.
Click to enter or view comments in the Submitter Comments dialog.
Click to enter or view comments in the Approver Comments dialog.
Apply Status to Line Items Select this check box to assign the same status that you assigned to the expense sheet in the System Status field to all of its expense line items that are displayed on this expense sheet details page.
Exported Select this check box to indicate that the expense sheet has been exported.

Above the Expense Line Grid

Field Description
Click to access a dialog where you can begin the process of adding a row for an expense line item.

Expense Line Grid Fields

When you access this page to create an expense item line, the grid is blank. After you provide values for the new expense sheet or use the filter fields to locate an expense sheet that you want to edit, you must click Add Expense Line. After you import draft expense line items, you can edit draft column values and enter values into blank columns to describe the expense line item.

Field Description
Click to access the Column Selector Profiles dialog, where you can select to display/not display columns and then save your selections as a Column Selector profile.
Expense Type This column displays the expense type.
Date Incurred This column displays the date when the expense was incurred.
Job This column displays the name of the job to which the expense is related.
Job Expense Description This column displays the description that was provided at the point of estimating, such as Flights.
Claimant's Description Enter a more detailed description for the expense, such as July 28 Flight to New York.
Qty Enter the number of items that the expense line covers. TrafficLIVE multiplies the value of the Unit Cost column by this number to derive the value of the Total Cost column.
Currency Select the currency used to incur the expense item from the drop-down that appears when you double-click on this column.
Unit Cost Enter or edit the unit cost of the expense item to reflect the actual amount being recorded or claimed. The estimated unit cost amount that was entered against the job might appear in this column; replace it with the actual unit cost.
Total Cost This column displays the cost that TrafficLIVE derives by multiplying the value of the Unit Cost column by the value of the Qty column.
Tax Type Enter a tax type as defined by system options that the TrafficLIVE administrator implements, such as Tax 5% or Tax 20%.
Total Tax Enter the total tax amount.
Exchange Rate This column automatically displays the exchange rate that is current on the Internet at the time that you create the expense item line. However, it is expected that you enter the actual exchange rate at which the expense was incurred.
Total Incurred TrafficLIVE determines this value and displays it in this column. This amount is the amount after it is converted back to the base currency using the exchange rate that is displayed in the Exchange Rate field.
Expense Notes Click to enter related notes in the Expense Notes dialog. This icon changes color to to indicate that expense notes exist. Click to view those notes.
Approver Comments For approved expenses, click to enter related notes in the Approver Comments dialog. This icon changes color to to indicate that approver comments exist. Click to view those comments.
Submitter Comments Click to enter related notes in the Submitter Comments dialog. This icon changes color to to indicate that submitter comments exist. Click to view those comments.
Total Approved for Repayment For approved expenses, this column displays the total amount that is approved for repayment.
Total Paid For paid expenses, this column displays the total that was paid.
Expense Status This column displays the status of the expense line item. To change the status of a selected expense line item, click in this column and choose another status from the drop-down that appears.
Click near the end of the expense line item row to duplicate this row.
Click at the end of the expense line item row to delete this row.

Below the Expense Line Grid

Field Description
[Untitled Column] TrafficLIVE displays the sum of all of the Total Incurred column's values below that column.
Click to create an expense sheet.
Choose Delete Expense Sheet from the pull-up to delete the expense sheet to which the displayed expense line items are related.
Click to cancel the creation of the expense line item row.
Click to save the expense line item row that you created.